On the other hand, Get Out contains many of the traditions of horror filmmaking, which Peele handles expertly. This mastery of horror directing comes in handy when Peele uses horror tropes to portray the menace of casual, microaggressive racism. Grounding prejudice in familiar genre trappings works as a tool to help the audience empathize with the plight of its Black protagonist. Peele faces stacked competition, though, with the Oscars nominating some of the best working directors in Hollywood. However, Paul Thomas Anderson, Guillermo del Toro and Christopher Nolan have plenty of time to earn the Oscars that they should have already won. While a win for Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird would also be deserved, Peele’s ability to mix skill with important commentary must be rewarded. None of the other nominees managed to capture the current zeitgeist as well as Peele did, and it is fitting that the director of the most relevant film of 2017 should be rewarded now rather than later.