Okay, buckle your _________, _________, because this class is a _________! I took it back in _______ when Professor ________ was still young enough to take a _____________ to ___________ (and that was the old _________, for any babies reading this — not that _________  __________ you guys are spoiled with now). I signed up for this because my PA told me it was the most _________ class at Northwestern, but I was _________ mistaken. Then, there’s approximately ____ pages of reading due every night, which means that even the _________ Sparknotes will take you at least ______ minutes to read!

But if that sounds _________, just imagine how you’ll feel taking a midterm where you have to write _________ essays in _________ minutes about all the _________ and _________ you witnessed in the chapters you didn’t

read, comparing all the _________ characters to _________________historical events and remembering the exact page number and longitudinal coordinates for every _________ plot point. My advice for incoming students? DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS! You will regret every  _________ of it! This class is as hard as walking down Sheridan without running into any _________ boys or ___________ kids. I beg of you — save yourselves, before it is too late. ___________