Jones Residential College is a smaller residential college designed to foster a community for creative people, especially those interested in performing and fine arts. Located on the southernmost tip of campus, the dorm is home to mostly freshmen and sophomores, many of whom are pursuing music or theater.
“I don’t think I would have done nearly as well anywhere else than I am at Jones. Jones has been such a formative place for me.”
Pratap Jayaram, McCormick freshman
“It’s a community that absolutely fosters creativity and friendship, and because of the size of it, you get to know a very large amount of people pretty closely.”
Dan Stompor, Communication freshman
“The rooms aren’t that bad. They’re small but you don’t spend a lot of time in them, you spend time in the suites with the people you like hanging out with.”
Zoë Call, Communication freshman
“More practice rooms, I’m pretty sure, than any other place on campus.”
Aaron Gordon, Weinberg freshman
Reporting by Orko Manna, Celena Chong, Danielle Elliott, Kevin Kryah, Rosalie Chan, Ali Pelczar, Burke Evans, Kelly Gonsalves, Scott Brown, Sarah Turbin, Alex Duner, Alice Zhang, Morgan Kinney, Caroline Levy, Jahmeelay Jean-Leger, Jasper Scherer, Kelly Gonsalves, Ashley Wood and Medha Imam
Photos by Gabe Bergado, Mallory Busch, Bethany DeLong, Timothyna Duncan, Olga Gonzalez-Latapi, Forrest Hanson, Sam Hart, Anne Li, Priscilla Liu, Susie Neilson, Michelle Reisin, Madhuri Sathish, Zach Silva, Jenny Starrs, Megan Suckut, Hillary Thomas, Bethany Tuten and Lucy Wang
Videos by Julia Clark-Riddell, Adam Mintzer, Jon Palmer, Rosalie Chan, Tanner Howard, Luis Sanchez, Kelly Gonsalves, Scott Brown, Sarah Turbin, Anthony Settipani, Clayton Gentry, Caroline Levy, Jasper Scherer, Katherine Richter and Nick Garbaty
Editing by Sam Hart, Kevin Kryah, Anne Li and Preetisha Sen
Design and development by Tyler Fisher, Hilary Fung, Dan Hill, KK Rebecca Lai, Sheng Wu and Katie Zhu
Data provided by Northwestern University Residential Services