North by Northwestern + present
The Housing Guide 2019

Vital stats

1838 Chicago is on South campus

11 minute walk to Tech

6 minute walk to Norris

2 minute walk to the Rock

6 singles

+ 57 doubles

+ triples

120 residents

❌ Dining hall

✅ Air conditioning


1838 Chicago
1838 Chicago Ave
Formerly home to the Public Affairs Residential College, 1838 Chicago will open as a freshman-only residence during the 2016-17 school year. The building is a stone's throw from the Arch, and the Intercampus shuttle sits right outside the dorm's front door. In addition to new community spaces on the first floor, the renovated facility will include a recreation and performance room to provide students with a workout spot that's closer than Henry Crown Sports Pavillion or Blom. 1838 Chicago will also have suite options.