Every single person who attends a Northwestern basketball home game has a different game day experience. The players get ready for tip-off in their own unique ways before the team's structured preparation activities. Announcers look over rosters and stats. Scorekeepers coordinate with referees. Fans trickle into the arena at various times coming from an assortment of places.

On March 3, the Wildcats hosted Michigan in the final home game of the 2014-15 season, and all in attendance (outside of those who left early) saw Northwestern come away with a miraculous double-overtime victory.

The atmosphere, simply put, was electric. The game hardly could have been more exciting. Tuesday wasn't just any other day at Welsh-Ryan Arena, but for the many moving parts that make game day possible, it was just like any other game.

The Team

The Game

The Cheerleaders

The Band Director

The PA Announcer

The Radio Broadcaster

The Official Scorekeeper

The Emcee

The Fans

The Aftermath