All That Jazz

Avriana Allen | 5.31.2018

Although the Northwestern Jazz Studies Program's winter concert received a lot of publicity, and ultimately sold out, most of their concerts are nowhere near packed. Why is this and what are we missing?

Official Page



Name: Joesph Miller
Year: Freshman
Instrument: Saxaphone

Name: Jacob Galdes
Year: Freshman
Instrument: Guitar

Name: Austin Klewan
Year: Freshman
Instrument: Saxaphone

Name: Oliver Holden-Moses
Year: Freshman
Instrument: Drums

Name: Spenser Hyun
Year: Freshman
Instrument: Piano

Name: Jon Rosen
Year: Freshman
Instrument: Saxaphone

Name: George Estey
Year: Sophmore
Instrument: Bass

Name: Patrick Ryan
Year: Sophmore
Instrument: Trumpet

Name: Caleb Eckstein
Year: Sophmore
Instrument: Trombone

Name: Tyler Santee
Year: Sophmore
Instrument: Drums

Name: Louis Danowsky
Year : Junior
Instrument: Saxaphone

Name: Sam Wolsk
Year: Junior
Instrument: Trumpet

Name: Emma Blau
Year: Junior
Instrument: Trombone

Name: Tom Levy
Instrument: Trumpet

Name: Jared Decker
Year: Senior
Instrument: Drums